Hating SPAM, Loving Poetry

Almost better than Dragon NaturallySpeaking's rendering of something-or-other that I said as "The love of her unlovely year" are a few select lines from this block of text in my latest SPAM (or, technically, a phishing scam):

"toothpicks remain wobbly.Jason and I took around girl (with cab driver from, around short order cook.guardian angel toward give a pink slip to swamp inside vacuum cleaner, and living with dust bunny approach near wedding dress.Where we can wisely confess our tape recorder.Any insurance agent can go deep sea fishing with toward widow, but it takes a real chess board to about movie theater.insurance agent beyond is sublime."

If you added some articles to flesh it out, it's got the makings of the Great American Novel!

"Living with a dust bunny, the insurance agent beyond is sublime. Approach near the wedding dress!"


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